JMIR mHealth and uHealth | Remote Automated Blood Pressure Monitoring With Wearable Tech
JMIR Publications recently published “Continuous Noninvasive Remote Automated Blood Pressure Monitoring With Novel Wearable Technology: A Preliminary Validation Study” in JMIR mHealth and uHealth which reported that the aim of the study was to validate the accuracy of Cloud DX Vitaliti continuous vital signs monitor (CVSM) continuous noninvasive blood pressure (cNIBP) measurements in postsurgical patients. In static and supine positions, 3 cNIBP measurements, each 30 seconds, were taken for each patient with the Vitaliti CVSM and an invasive arterial catheter. At the conclusion of each test session, captured cNIBP measurements were extracted using MediCollector BEDSIDE data extraction software, and Vitaliti CVSM measurements were extracted toRead More →