Source: Freepik Copyright: ijeab URL: Licensed by JMIR Researchers from Osaka University developed a comprehensive ethical framework and practical guidance for electronic communications with participants in medical research. Osaka, Japan – Since its inception, the internet has fundamentally changed all parts of human society for both good and ill, and medical research is no exception. The fast pace of change enabled by digital technologies means that ethical guidelines may not address all the issues that arise in modern research. To help solve this problem, researchers from Osaka University performed an ethical analysis based on the eight ethical principles for clinical research, and they proposedRead More →

Source: WI-HER, LLC Copyright: WI-HER, LLC URL: License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) Vienna, VA – April 14, 2022 – Despite an immense global effort, the HIV epidemic remains a threat and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Strong antiretroviral therapy (ART) continuity can suppress the viral load of HIV to undetectable levels for people living with HIV, but barriers to ART treatment continue to impact HIV epidemic control. For men and children, ART continuity and thus viral load suppression (VLS) are disproportionately low, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. To address these barriers, in September 2020, WI-HER—through the USAID Social and Behavior Change Activity (SBCA)—implemented theRead More →

License: Licensed by authors Source: The authors / Shutterstock Copyright: The authors / evrymmnt URL: Press Contact: Caitlin Krutsick | This peer-reviewed study indicates promise for widespread adoption of virtual chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management tools, with high engagement and satisfaction. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Mar. 18, 2022 – Wellinks®, a digital health care company offering the first-ever integrated, virtual Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) management solution, today announced results from a study that found that older adults with COPD were highly engaged and satisfied with Wellinks. The peer-reviewed research was published in JMIR Formative Research. These findings are significant as COPD is the third leading cause ofRead More →

Source: Pexels Copyright: Solen Feyissa URL: License: Licensed by JMIR     A Look at Twitter Users Hannah Stevens and Karen Nikos-Rose March 9, 2022 As COVID-19 upended societal norms when it swept through the United States in 2020, a second pandemic—or “infodemic”—was also on the rise. An analysis of Twitter users by researchers at the University of California, Davis, and University of Texas, Austin, suggests that Republican-identifying people who believe their local government has positive intentions are vulnerable to believing politically fueled COVID-19 misinformation. The study did not find the same trend among Democrat-identifying Twitter users. The article, published in JMIR Infodemiology in February 2022, aims to shed light on the cognitive processesRead More →

Source: Pexels Copyright: SHVETS production URL:… License: Licensed by JMIR     Kirkland, WA (March 9, 2022) – A new study published in the open access journal JMIR Public Health and Surveillance shows that a digital cessation app to quit smoking can draw a diverse audience, including at-risk and underrepresented groups. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tobacco use continues to be the leading preventable cause of death, disease, and disability in the United States. For years, the state of Washington has been investing in helping residents quit tobacco. In 2015, the state broadened its offering to include free access toRead More →

License: Licensed by JMIR Source: iStock by Getty Images Copyright: nicomenijes URL: March 3, 2022 By: Chris Tachibana, PhD Telemedicine surged with the COVID-19 pandemic. But does offering care by phone or video improve or worsen disparities? Should policies to facilitate telemedicine become permanent? The dramatic rise in telemedicine is documented in a study by LDI Fellows Ari Friedman, Hummy Song, Angela T Chen, Alon Bergman, and Guy David, collaborating with the data team from Independence Blue Cross based in southeast Pennsylvania. Using claims data, they found that weekly telemedicine visits among plan members increased from a mean of 773 before pandemic stay-at-home orders to more thanRead More →

License: Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + NoDerivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) Source: Gaylord Specialty Healthcare Copyright: Gaylord Specialty Healthcare URL: License: CC-BY-NC-ND WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT, March 01, 2022 — A new report from Gaylord Specialty Healthcare’s Milne Institute for Healthcare Innovation was published today in the journal JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies evaluating the effect of a new balance perturbation module on balance impairments following an acute stroke. The study, HYPERLINK A Novel Body Weight–Supported Postural Perturbation Module for Gait and Balance Rehabilitation After Stroke: Preliminary Evaluation Study, demonstrates that balance perturbations in a recently developed and not-yet-reported balance perturbation program for the Aretech LLC ZeroG body weight support system positivelyRead More →

Source: Freepik Copyright: DCStudio URL: Licensed by JMIR WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT, February 10, 2022 — Patients with severe COVID-19 and related complications can benefit from receiving postacute care at long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs), a new report suggests. The findings of “Patient Outcomes and Lessons Learned From Treating Patients With Severe COVID-19 at a Long-Term Acute Care Hospital: Single-Center Retrospective Study,” a study conducted by medical and therapy staff at Gaylord Specialty Healthcare, an LTACH in Wallingford, Connecticut, and researchers at the Milne Institute for Healthcare Innovation, were published today in the journal JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. With an average patient length of stay of 25-28 days,Read More →

Source: The authors / Henry Charles Hrdlicka Copyright: The authors / Henry Charles Hrdlicka URL: License: CC-BY-NC-ND WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT, February 10, 2022 — A new report from Gaylord Specialty Healthcare’s Milne Institute for Healthcare Innovation, “Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID-19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-Term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report,” describing the therapy interventions used in the long-term acute care hospital (LTACH) setting to rehabilitate COVID-19–associated Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) was published today in the journal JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. The report is believed to be the first to demonstrate the standard of care and strategies used in an independent LTACH settingRead More →

Source: Adobe Stock Copyright: Syda Productions URL: Licensed by JMIR (San Francisco CA) — A new study is the first to show that a remote cognitive assessment could help with tracking patients with cardiovascular risk. The assessments evaluated are from Posit Science, developer of the BrainHQ brain exercise app. Prior studies have established that people with cardiovascular risk factors are at increased risk for cognitive decline and dementia as they age. However, such studies have relied on the gold standard of in-person neuropsychological testing, which, although very beneficial, can be time consuming, expensive, and challenging to arrange during a pandemic. The Health eBrain Study, publishedRead More →